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My Spiritual "Awakening"

Lately it seems like a flow of different topics have been coming into my mind, and I figured I'd write about them. Not all in this post, but I had to start somewhere because they're out of my comfort zone, and I don't want to ignore the need to write.

Due to what I'll call a "spiritual awakening" a few years ago, I decided to REALLY study the scriptures and other Gospel related materials throughout the last few years. When I say "study" I mean truly study by reading, genuinely asking the my Father in Heaven questions, constantly praying and exercising faith that I'd receive my answers. I can't say I've received ALL my answers, but I've received many more than if it hadn't put any effort into it.

There's a saying in Brazil that I heard all the time growing up that says something along the lines of "if you look for it you'll find it", and as I've applied this to the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  I've found many things.  I've found that the tiny amount of faith I had has been increased,  my knowledge of my Savior has increased,  as well as my understanding of the world, specifically: why does so much bad happen?

Before my "awakening" I was just going with the flow if you will, and putting just about zero effort into the things the Lord and the prophets have counseled us to do. I wanted many things, like spiritual protection, answers about school and work, peace at home, counsel on how to be a new mother, etc. But, I wasn't reading my scriptures, rarely praying and my church attendance was about 50/50.

To some this may not sound like a huge deal, but looking back I can see how not being consistent in actively doing the things the Lord has asked, I was allowing (whether or not I noticed) the influence of the adversary into my life, my family and my marriage.

There's a misconception about the adversary (the Devil, Satan, whatever you want to call him) in our time, where people think he's this red demon with horns surrounded by flames, or some may even try to convince you he doesn't exist at all. I could tell you many many things regarding this topic, but I can assure you he does not work like the "boogey man" some imagine. He's sneaky and creeps into our lives little by little, whether it starts with negative thoughts or small addictions that lead you further and further down his path, you can be sure he's there.

I don't say this to make anyone fearful, my intention is to help bring that to awareness because sometimes we may wonder "why am I not getting an answer or feeling a connection with my Heavely Father?", when the reason why may be something simple. We may need to change a simple negative habit, or we may need to get rid of a series of things in our lives to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father and Savior.

If you haven't already,  or if you feel you've been slacking like I was (and still am a lot of the time)  start doing the simple things TODAY. Start making constant prayer a priority,  whether you're driving or on your knees by your bed. You want protection and many other endless amounts of blessings?  Read your scriptures, follow His commandments,  ask Him questions and with genuinely open heart and contrite spirit seek those answers.

I promise you that God loves you, He wants to answer your questions,  He wants you to feel His love, He wants to comfort you, and most of all He wants to welcome you back home with a warm embrace.



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