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How I Stayed Sane While My Husband was In Bootcamp

In March of 2013 Daniel left for bootcamp 2 days after proposing. After he left I made it a goal to write him every single day I wasn't with him, especially because I was afraid of losing my mind. We'd spent nearly every single day together since we started dating on June 8th, 2012 and being alone without him at that time was probably one of the hardest things I'd ever done. Although I survived, it wasn't easy and there were some things I did to keep my sanity.

1- I wrote him EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I wrote him a total of 88 letters. When I say letters I also mean paragraphs, as there were some nights I was way too tired to write more than that. I had a notebook I took everywhere with me, and I'd write as if I was talking to him every single night. For me that was therapeutic most of all because I was so used to talking to him every single night, whether it was in person or on the phone. Another thought that always helped was that every letter I wrote meant I was one day closer to seeing him again.

2-I prayed for him.
Even though he grew up in a military family and knew what to expect while in bootcamp, I knew it wouldn't be easy. Praying for him every time I thought of him always brought me peace, comfort and love, and it was a way to calm my anxieties. I knew he'd be struggling with things I'll never experience, but I trusted that the Savior knew how to help him so I prayed harder than I ever had before. Now looking back, I know all those prayers worked, not only because he got through bootcamp, but because he had experiences in bootcamp that we both know it was God guiding him through.

3-I read my scriptures.
I think before my husband left for bootcamp I was very "relaxed" with my scripture routine and definitely didn't read very much. But, while he was gone (and after) I noticed that every time I prayed, I also wanted an answer (sometimes immediately) and I found myself turning to the scriptures. I clearly remember searching the word "love" on my scripture app and finding a scripture that talked about how the Lord's love can give you strength to endure all things, and at that time it was exactly what I needed.

4-I stayed busy.
Naturally I am not a person that can sit still, not even to watch a movie. I am also not crazy about hanging out with a bunch of people. I like studying (as nerdy as that sounds) and I love working so that's exactly what I did. I went to school everyday from 7am-1pm then worked from 2pm-7pm at my local YMCA, then went home just to do it all over again. I also volunteered teaching a citizenship class to refugees and immigrants whose first language was not English. I also participated in multiple things I cannot even remember because I completely overwhelmed myself with things to do so I wouldn't be a whiny baby.

5- I got to know and love his family for myself.
This was probably the best thing I did the whole time he was gone. Since him and his brother were both gone in bootcamp his parents had an empty house so I moved in. Even though I already loved them since I first met them, my love for them grew immensely by living with them because I got to see who they were without their kids. I also got to experience what it would be like to BE their kid and that was extremely fun because I was spoiled since they'd only had boys. I also got to meet his extended family and I always made sure to attend as may family events as possible. Since he has a big family I was busy every weekend, and there was never a dull moment since I grew to love everyone in his family.


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