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How Daddy Proposed

*NOTE*  As I am an extremely cheesy person and this is from my point of view, it is an extremely cheesy story. Read at your own risk. Haha


Friday, March 15, 2013


Since the first day I met Daniel on a high school field trip, he always planned on joining the military, and in February of 2013 he finally swore in! At first I was nervous about him going to bootcamp on March 18th, 2013, but I knew this was a big step in our lives, and the sooner he left the sooner he'd be back.
Since the beginning of our relationship, we always talked about marriage and what the purpose of it was, so we knew we would get married someday. To us marriage has always been a sacred topic, especially because God has always played a big part in our lives. 
During the week of March 15th, Daniel started acting a little funky. He got constant calls from my mom, kept texting secretly' had to run errands without me, and my dad kept calling me saying Daniel could come over to talk to him at certain times. Even though I was a little confused, I still felt suspicious about the whole "why are my parents talking to my boyfriend so much" idea, but I blew it off just because I knew he would be going to bootcamp for the Marine Corps in a week or so.
So days went by and Danny told me he wanted to have a special dinner the Friday before he left with my mom, and I didn't think it was a big deal since we hadn't spent much time with my mom lately. On Friday we spent quality time with his family during the day, and then I left to get ready for the special dinner. He suggested we take my car because his brother needed his car, and his parents were going to pick up my mom, which was also a surprise.
I wondered if he was going to propose, but I doubted that could be possible since there was only 1 day we didn't spend together in the past couple of months and that was March 14th. There was no way on Earth he could find a ring the day before the proposal, right?!
Dinner time came around and I got ready and headed to his house. When I got there he was brushing his teeth (which I later found out was the second time he brushed his teeth cause he was so nervous!) and wasn't ready to leave yet. Of course I waited while talking to his Nana about some shoe issues I was having, and 10 minutes later he was ready in full suit. And he looked so handsome!
We left heading downtown and I was SO TIRED from bowling and shopping during the day! I just wanted to go to bed. haha! Turns out my sweet sweet baby didn't know where the The Joseph Smith Building was so he asked me. We parked and headed up in the elevator to the 11th floor. We stepped out and his brother Sam was waiting for us at The Roof with a video camera in his hand. THAT'S WHEN I KNEW! 
Danny said he had to go to the bathroom, and Sam made me follow him into the restaurant as he recorded me walking in. I never thought I'd be SO nervous since I suspected it, but no words can describe that feeling! The more I followed Sam into the restaurant while he recorded me, the more nervous and shaky I got, especially since all the staff were smiling at me, and everyone was curious to see what was going on. My shoe kept falling off, and my heart kept beating absurdly fast. My hands were cold and sweaty, and my eyes were tearing up! 
I finally got to our table and saw my mom and brothers, his parents, his best friend, and Sam and his girlfriend. As soon as I stood there I heard our song "I Wont Give Up" by Jason Mraz and that's when I broke down and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I took a seat, and a second later I saw him from the corner of my eye walking towards me with his handsome smile. 
He walked over to me and said "Stand up baby." And of course I did! He got down on one knee.
"Lyssa Melo, I have known you for two years, and you are the most beautiful girl I know. Since I met you I've always wanted to be with you. Will you marry me?"
and I said NO. Just kidding! I thought about doing that but it would have been a bad joke.
I said YES! and started sobbing and crying, my hands were still cold and sweaty, but at this point I had Danny to hold my hand. He stood up and put the ring on my ring finger. Then his brother yelled, "SHE SAID YES!!!" and everybody in the restaurant started clapping and cheering! I promised him I'd take care of him, love him, and cherish him. Then, we kissed, and kissed and smiled and called each other fiance for the first time! <3


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