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Luna's Birth Story

Luna is almost two, and although it seems "too late" to be writing her birth story, I figured it couldn't hurt. Hopefully she'll appreciate it when she's older and I'll be able to reflect on that experience before our new baby is born!

Luna was due November 21st, 2014. The first time I started having contractions of any kind was on November 8th, while I was out with my husband at the Marine Corps Ball. It was funny because he was hoping she'd be born on Nov. 10th (on the Marine Corps birthday), but Luna had different plans. After that first day of contractions, they didn't come back until Thursday the 13th at around 10am. They started coming every 15-20min, nothing painful, just felt like very light cramps. It wasn't until Friday night around 8 when we were supposed to go rock climbing that my husband and I decided maybe we shouldn't..

That night I ate a big dinner (becuase I was told once I got to the hospital I wouldn't be able to eat for a day or so! lol) and I told Daniel he should probably sleep because that baby girl would be here soon. He went to sleep and I stayed up all throughout the night. Around midnight my contractions were getting PAINFUL. And it was all becoming very very REAL! We would have a beautiful baby girl soon! So I decided to shower, I did my hair, got dressed, and got our bags ready to go and by the door.

By that time it was around 5am on Saturday the 15th. My contractions were comin' in HOT! About every 2 minutes and lasting for a minute. And since they told me to head to the hospital when they were coming in every 4 minutes I thought for sure the more I labored at home the more likely I'd be fully dilated by the time I got to the hospital. I was ready to go, the only thing I needed were my shoes so I woke up my poor tired hubby and he looked ready to go, but also extremely concerned at my grunting! haha. In fear of my water breaking (maybe this is TMI) I put on one of those gigantic maxi pads..which I'm really glad I did. I managed to get one boot on and when Danny was helping me get the other one my water did break.. I ran to the bathroom, then eventually was able to get the other boot on and into the car.

It was snowing when we were on our way to the hospital. I remember being scared and telling Daniel not to speed even though he was so worried about getting to the hospital ASAP. We got there, got checked in and once they checked me I was 2cm dilated..and that was SO disappointing for me. I really did NOT want to have a medicated birth. My ideal birth that I wanted was a natural, unmedicated vaginal birth so I REALLY wanted to be more dilated than a 2 (which I'd been at about 4 days before).

I continued to labor in the hospital, I walked and did some squats, and I was able to endure until almost 11am without any medication..and I was at 3cm. I got an epidural and was able to rest a little, until the epidural (tube? hose?) came out and I had to get it redone. By then I was at 5cm, Luna's whole little body shifted to the left side of my belly and I really don't remember much because I was in so much pain. By the time 8pm came around I was at 6cm and dilating very slowly. By 10pm once they checked Luna, I was at 9cm but..her head was stuck sideways in the birth canal. The doctor said I could wait or have an emergerncy C-section so I didn't have to risk her neck breaking if I pushed.

I was crushed..I did not want to have a c-section. But I also didn't want to put Luna at risk. Before ever going to the hospital I'd researched everything, I'd watched all the videos and I knew exactly how I wanted my birth to go. The only thing I knew about C-sections was that it was better to have stitches than staples (because they heal more evenly) so I was scared, but also relieved my baby girl would be here soon.

They prepped me to go in for surgery, gave me another dose of pain meds that numbed me from the chest down, strapped down my arms (they do this so your nerves don't accidently make you hit a scalpel or something), and covered me from the chest down. I couldn't see anything, but of course Daniel could and that was funny. They started cutting me, and he was fine (and I was calm by then) and then I hear...

Him: "OH S*** BABE"
Me: "What? What's going on?"
Him: "OH..can you feel that!?"
Me: "Feel what?"
Him:" Nothing..It's okay" (and he smiled at me to keep me calm)

Apparently he could see everything..Now I joke with him that a lot of husbands have seen every part of their wives, but mine has even seen my internal organs! lol

A few minutes later I could hear Luna's voice for the first time, her little baby cry loud and healthy and I remember thinking "Thar's her, that's my baby, she's here!". I didn't cry, but I remember feeling so filled with happiness and curiosity, I just wanted to hold her already! The nurse brought her up close to my face and she was still crying. I said to Luna, "Hi baby, I'm your mama." and she stopped crying immediately and looked over at me with her beautiful, dark almond shaped eyes. Then I said "You know me? You remember my voice?"and she just kept staring.

I remember instantly falling in love with her. Of course I already loved her even before she was born, even before we knew she existed even, but my heart just melted seeing her perfect little face! They were going to take Luna away to clean her up and I told my husband to go with her. He was worried about leaving me, but I assured him I'd be fine (and we'd already planned that he'd go with the baby) and I'd see them soon.

 For the next (forever and ever) 20 minutes or so I just laid there on cloud 9 (to be stitched up) because my perfect baby girl was here. I remember being asked several times if I was awake (because I kept my eyes closed to relax and practice hypnosis) and they were worried I was passing out but I was fine. I was just extremely relaxed because of the hypnosis I'd been practicing. After I was done being stitched I was taken back to my room and the nurse brought Luna to me. She asked if I was planning on breastfeeding (which I was) and if I wanted to feed her. I said yes and started right away.

I couldn't help but stare at Luna. That whole night, and every day since then, I've looked at her like she's the most perfect thing in the world. When she was born she was 7 lbs 1 oz, had chubby cheeks, and LOTS of dark hair. She was just the most beautiful angel, and according to my brother there was no moon in the sky that night (he says he walked outside the hospital and didn't see the moon so I guess Luna was the only moon that came out that night, lol!).

There is so much more to her story, but I think this is the "basics". Luna was born healthy, happy and so so sweet. She still is the same way, except now that she's almost two she goes on the potty, talks a WHOLE lot and is extremely polite and well-mannered. I'm very proud of her and I love my baby angel more every single day.


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