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My Easy Homemade Cough Syrup

About a year ago I made my own cough syrup for the first time. It was somewhat by accident, but it's probably the best accidental thing I've ever done. I had a ton of ginger my mom gave me, and it would go bad if I didn't use it soon! So I used that ginger, added some other ingredients and created my accidental cough syrup that has worked every time we have a cough. I don't like taking medicine, so this cough syrup turned out to be perfect for me because I made it with all natural ingredients and I MADE IT! Which I felt extremely proud of! Since this has worked so well for my family I figured I should share it in case it can also help someone out there! I also have a "cure all tea" I make every once in a while...but that's a recipe for another day. Without further ado, the recipe:

Homemade Cough Syrup

2 cups Water
chopped fresh ginger (about a handful, but you can use more or less) 
10 oz Honey
2 tbs Turmeric (powder)


1- Put ginger and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil
2- After it starts to boil, let the liquid reduce to about 1 cup, turn off the heat and allow it to cool
3- Once the liquid has cooled, add the honey and turmeric to it and mix it all together
4- Put it in the container of your choice, and keep it in the fridge!

*This cough syrup is a bit spicy because of the ginger, but my 2 year drinks it without any complaining so it hasn't been a problem for us.
*I only started giving it to her after she turned 1 since it has honey in it, and she never got sick during her first year anyway.
*I usually give her and myself 2 teaspoons when we're sick, but you don't have to be sick to take take this! 

If you make your own cough syrup, have any questions, or any other ideas to add to this please share them in the comments! I'd love to hear your input or any improvements I can make in the future!


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