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Why I Chose to Start a Blog

For a long time I've thought about writing a blog. For many different reasons, but the main one being I wanted to leave some sort of record for my kids. Although I keep a diary and I've kept other records, I feel as if this one may not only benefit my kids but others who may be struggling and are interested in what I have to say.

My intentions for this blog is to use it to express my opinions about life, my beliefs, relationships, answer questions and share a variety of different interests that I have. I hope to share a little about my life in hopes that it may help someone out there in this big world (especially my kids). Some people may like and agree with what I have to say, but I certainly don't expect anyone to. It's a sad, mistaken and confused world we live in, and anyone has the freedom to believe in what they want. 

I am big believer in "you find what you're looking for" so I strive to find the good in the world (although at times it seems it barely exists). I hope that I can teach my kids about the goodness that still exists, even though with everyday that passes it seems like there is more and more evil, to the point that it will become unbearable. 

I hope to write things that will inspire others to do good, be good, feel good, and pass on the positive energy they receive. There's so much to learn in this life and such little time, but I know it will all get figured out. 

"In the end everything will be alright, if it's not alright then it's not the end. "

much love, Lyssa D.


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