I feel like Momo's birth story is SO different than Luna's, and to me it feels like it started a long time before he was born. To me it actually started right after I had Luna. Since I had a C-section with Luna I felt so determined to NOT have another C-section that I kept being led to different people and sources that could help me prepare for another baby. One of these people was a friend of mine named Kira who is a birth specialist, and we became very close during this whole process.
For me, having a C-section was traumatizing. Not that I had a horrible experience or was mistreated (like in some cases), but I just didn't feel like I needed it and didn't realize it until after I'd had Luna. My body is very sensitive so I felt terrible, I couldn't sneeze, cough, anything without feeling extreme pain due to my scar. Even when it came to taking a shower, it took a week until I was able to shower on my own, so thank goodness to my husbands job letting him have a week off!
With my next baby I wanted change. I wanted to feel empowered, and I KNEW I had the power within me to be able to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section), but I also had lots of FEAR.
Now, if you've talked to me about birth (or anything spiritual)in person during the last 2-3ish years, you probably know I've been working on focusing on God in order to get more clarity and wisdom on various different things. With this new baby, the first thing I did was reach out to my Father in Heaven for help getting rid of my fear of giving birth. I wasn't scared to become a mom, or even to have another child, but I was afraid of the pain and helpless feeling that I'd experienced with my C-section. With my husband and Kira by my side (and of course my entire family of thousands jk..lots of people lol) I started to work on some of these things I wanted to accomplish.
The very first thing I had to do was get rid of my fear of giving birth. I didn't immediately know this, I actually had no clue. It was through lots of questions from Kira in order to get to the root of the problem, and lots of encouragement from my husband that I was directed to ask Heavenly Father what I needed to do. Getting rid of that particular fear was first. I know this may sound like a totally foreign thing to some, but let me tell you....I had NO idea God could REALLY give you clear answers. I mean, I'd received some answers here and there, but not SO clear like when I started to really question, or better inquire and LISTEN for answers.
There were many things I did in order to get rid of this fear. Most were simple, like reading my scriptures, praying and focusing more on Christ DAILY. I seriously made an effort to focus more on the Savior, because my understanding was that only through HIM would I be able to get past my fear. So I continuously prayed and I had a experience. It was an experience very sacred to me so I won't share details, but in that experience I clearly heard the voice of the Lord letting me know that I needed to TRUST him, and everything would be alright. At that time I thought I DID trust Him, but now looking back I definitely didn't as much as I do now. From that moment on instead of focusing on my fear I focused on Jesus Christ, His teachings, and most of all on how I could TRUST Him even more.
Mind you, at this time I wasn't pregnant...Luna was about 8 or 9 months old?
Fast forward and almost year later I was pregnant with Momo and I was so excited for Luna to have a sibling! Aside from that happiness, I did NOT like being pregnant..not the first time or second time, as pregnancy is simply not a fun experience for me! lol
I went into labor on Sunday Dec. 4th, 2016. It was around 10 or 11am when I started to feel bearable pain. I actually debated on whether or not I should go to church since my labor pains were just beginning. I started to get ready but decided not to after losing my mucus plug in the shower!lol So I stayed home, and since I REALLY wanted a VBAC I did everything I could to get that little boy into my pelvis so he could come out as smoothly as possible. I cleaned my entire house, made food for the next day or two, danced, danced with Luna, danced some more, bounced around the house on my exercise ball..and that weekend Daniel had drill so he was gone until 6pm, and came home to a wife in labor (how exciting!) haha.
Around midnight I really started to feel it. I tried to sleep cause I was SO tired but I was having contractions every 3 minutes or so. I didn't want to go to the hospital yet because I knew I wouldn't be able to labor comfortably there, and I also wanted to keep moving/walking around (which I felt like I couldn't do at my hospital because of their policies). So I stayed home, and at 5am I finally told Daniel that we needed to start getting ready. We got our bags ready, and left Luna with my brother and went to the hospital which is about 45min away.
I don't remember much about the car ride, except that Daniel kept asking if I was okay..Maybe he thought I was passing out cause I kept my eyes closed since it felt like it helped with the pain. Thankfully, by the time we got to the hospital and I changed over, I was already 8cm dilated (YAY!), but since I'd had a C-section previously I had to take the epidural (since it was the hospitals' policy). It was around 6/6:30am when we got there, I got the epidural around 8am, and at about 10:30 I was told I would start pushing soon.
I felt so calm about having this baby, I think because I was mostly excited to NOT be pregnant anymore! lol But Daniel on the other hand..was doing jumping jacks, push ups, etc. cause he was so nervous that we were going to have 2 kids. Two WHOLE small humans that we were responsible for! haha It's a lot of pressure for a daddy! 11am came around and I started pushing for small periods of time, but it wasn't until noon that things got real and our sweet nurse told me this baby was ready. My water didn't break with Momo, so the doctor broke it at some point before then.
I started pushing, and soon realized this was nothing like Luna's birth. I was afraid for Daniel because I thought he was going to pass out. It was only me, Daniel and the nurse in the room this time around and I thought maybe it was too much for him. I also thought this because I am personally grossed out by the birthing process haha I have no doubt it's an amazing and miraculous process, don't get me wrong..but I am also grossed out by it! lol Well, the nurse was helping to count to 10 and had Daniel join her and eventually he was counting and cheering me on (which was awesome!), and I felt SO powerful.
I knew that I could give birth to that baby, and I could feel that we were surrounded by peace and love. I was so excited that my little boy was coming, but I was also exhausted and wanted to just take a nap..but since that wasn't an option I kept pushing and when it was almost 1pm Daniel was INTENSELY cheering me on and urging me to not take long breaks! Momo's head started showing and then I realized that this was almost over, and finally he was born.
He didn't cry when he was born, but when they put him on my chest I could see his curious little eyes looking around. It felt so nice to finally be done pushing, and to hold that HOT baby in my arms. I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not for him to be so hot!LOL They took him away to get cleaned up, get shots, etc. and again daddy went and stayed close to him to keep an eye on him and make sure everything was okay.
That night and next day are mostly a blur since I was so tired, but I remember Daniel was able to stay with me the whole time and help take care of Momo. This time around I felt so much better that I was walking around shortly after, I could get out of the bed without assistance and I even showered by myself, which I couldn't do after my C-section till a week later (shower without help). When we went home I felt like I had a lot more energy (even though I was exhausted), and Daniel went back to work after 2 days. It was so fun bringing that little boy home, especially to a sister that LOVED him. She even picked him up and carried him to me a few times saying "mama I got the baby", and if I left Momo somewhere she always reminded me "mama you left the baby!" haha
I love them, both my little babies and I love that I get to raise them. There's nothing better than the smell and sounds of a new baby, and there's nothing more sad than seeing them grow up so fast. 💖
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