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"I will walk with you"

During my husband's deployment it felt like everything was falling apart. Oddly enough, it felt as if things were falling in place too. As I prayed and asked God to guide me during the time my husband was gone, a simple phrase came into my mind. 

"I will walk with you", I heard. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and taped it to my mirror so I could see it every day.

"I will walk with you" has become a phrase that is close to my heart and I think of it often. When I get anxious, worried, and start isolating myself. 

When my husband left on deployment, I was in the middle of nursing school and raising two little kids and found out we were expecting a third before he left. About a month after he left I got into a car accident while pregnant, but thankfully baby and I were okay. We were living with family at the time, but unexpectedly everyone moved out of state. I had my baby mid deployment and 2 days after birth he was admitted to the NICU for a rare heart condition. I found myself having to move to a new home a month after he was born and everything felt chaotic. 

Now looking back, I see that Christ walked with me. I think I felt it at the time, but my overwhelm with world worries felt stronger. Now it's like my vision is clear, and that every person I interacted with came at the perfect time. 

A sweet sister from church who showed up with food when I was drowning in homework. A friend who helped me clean my house after I sprained my pelvis. 

Friends, and strangers who became friends that helped me move to our new place. Professors who encouraged me not to quit, but take a break when I needed. Classmates who shared study resources and reminded me of assignments. 

Every important thing that came my way got figured out. 

I wish that I could shout from the mountain tops that I know God takes care of us and knows what we need, because it's true. Sometimes very real worldly things get in the way of our vision, of what He is doing for us, and unfortunately that is a side effect of being human. He walked with me then, and even in my current hard times when I fail to see what He is doing, I know He walks with me now.

Love, Lyssa


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