Recently I had a tonsillectomy, and I must say it has been anything but easy. And even with all the expected and unexpected trials, I have once again been humbled by the love my Father in Heaven has for me and my family.
From the moment I decided to get my tonsils taken out, it just seemed like everything fell right into place. The date for the surgery was on a Friday my husband and in-laws wouldn't be working, my dad and step mom came back from vacation that weekend and took the kids while my hubby worked, my mom and stepdad came by with flan, which I'd been craving, a neighbor babysat so I could rest...honestly, the blessings have been endless.
I've been in awful pain, which has been difficult not only on me, but my husband as well. He's had to balance taking care of the kids, the house, his new job, all while still making sure all my meds have been taken on time, giving me priesthood blessings, etc. He's been a great nurse and friend, I couldn't ask for more.
Most nights since the surgery I've been in so much pain that I'd find myself on my knees due to the pain, so the thought came to me to pray for relief from pain. The funny thing is, I'd end up praying in gratitude, for things I already have. It's not something I meant to do, but this experience has brought me many moments of unexpected relief.
The thought of Christ's suffering has also brought me great relief and hope, in the sense that He suffered and Atoned for my sins, so that I can have an opportunity to stand before my Heavenly Father. I knew from the beginning that recovery from a tonsillectomy would be rough, I knew I wouldn't die. But Christ knew that He'd be killed and was still willing to go through with the Father's plan in order to be example to us, to me, that we can rise again.
Although I hope to never experience any pain like this again, I know even if I did that I could endure through it. Some trials are meant to be endured, and hopefully during or even after we can see what purpose it fulfills and what we can learn. I cannot say I'm greatful for this pain, but I can confidently say the Lord has humbled me once again, and reminded me that His love is abundant and timely. 💕
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