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Heart of Gold

Hopefully I'm not embarrassing my husband too much by sharing this story, but it's his birthday! So why not? haha I had to highlight one of the reasons I love him and why others admire him.

A few years ago before my brother Amon passed away Daniel and I went to visit him and my mom. My mom needed help with something that required her and I to go out for 45min or so, and Daniel ended up babysitting Amon. Now, for those who don't know, my brother had special needs and had the mentality of an 8 month old baby. He required 24/7 care (although he could walk), so leaving him with anyone besides our immediate family was very rare.

Even though it wasn't an easy task, my sweet new fiance (at the time) took it on and my mom and I left. When we arrived he was giving my brother a shower because he'd had a dirty diaper. I remember feeling so many things (especially humbled) in that moment but I kept myself together and asked him:

Me: "How come you gave him a shower babe? You didn't have to do that"

and his response was simple:

Daniel: "I couldn't leave him dirty, I know I wouldn't want to be dirty"

Now, to many people that may not mean much, I don't know, but for me that meant the world. Here is Daniel who had never taken care of my brother alone before and he was giving him a shower because he'd had a dirty diaper. I know for a fact that wasn't easy for him, but he cared more about my brother's well-being than his own pride in that moment, and not once did he complain.

I'm pretty sure I cried that night because I was so humbled and touched by that. To me that was one of the most selfless things anyone had ever done for my brother. He could've called me and told me to hurry home, or waited, but he was too focused on my brother's well-being that he took care of him on his own.

I've always joked with him that when I grow up I want to be like him, and every time I tell this story I remember why. He makes me want to be more selfless, grateful, humble, and so much more.

Happy birthday my babe, stay loving and selfless.
You're the best man I know. 💗


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