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There Is No Other Way

What I'm writing today is not for everyone, but it is for those who are willing to listen (or read) and who want to better themselves. For a long time I've been meaning to write this but I've been putting it off. Mainly I've been putting off writing this because of laziness (cause sitting in front of my computer is not my favorite thing) and also because of fear of being ridiculed (which always happens when talking about this subject). 

About a year ago (in June of 2015) I had an experience that completely changed the way I thought God worked. I won't go into too much detail, but I had an experience and received very specific instructions from Heavenly Father as to what I needed to do for my family to be prepared for things that are going to happen. I think (generally speaking) that anyone who has ever read the Bible and the Book of Mormon know what these events are, but I don't know how many people are actually paying attention to what they are (I definitely wasn't paying attention before my experience). 

We are living in the last days, and although some of us may hear that all the time it doesn't truly sink in until you start seeing the proof. Some may argue that the terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other events are "just because this or that" but it's much more than anything than can simply be brushed off by world or man's explanations. I've heard all kinds of reasons as to why so many bad things are happening like "this happens because of the government" or "that happened because of terrorism" but it seems nobody wants to get to the root of the problem. 

It's like having a headache and taking medication for it, when in fact the reason you have a headache is because you're dehydrated.Why not drink water? Why doesn't anyone want to address the root of the problem? Why aren't more people seeking the pure truth? The true reason why so many horrible things are happening in our world at this time is because people have turned from God. People have turned away from God and are either completely unaware that they've done so, or they have no desire to change their lives and hardened their hearts.Truth is, sometimes change sucks, so why would you give up doing things you love? But just because we may love doing those things doesn't make it right.

The only way to truly change our lives and to be happy-for all time and all eternity- is through our Savior Jesus Christ. There is no other way. We can do all the things the world tells us to do to be happy, but it will never last. Will money, fame, beauty, sex, etc bring everlasting happiness? NO. But don't take my word for it, please don't. If you've read this far, then it's been either to listen to the message I have or to try and find some non-existent point that says "God is wrong". Please don't take my word for it. Pray for yourself, read the scriptures for yourself, whether or not you believe in those things. If you do, great. If you don't ASK God himself. Why would you need for me or anyone else to tell you? If you wait for someone it might be too late for your own spiritual welfare.

Don't wait for people to guide and instruct you. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want to help us, they want to guide us because they love us and they don't want us to be unhappy, not now in the last days, or ever. All we have to do is be willing to listen and obey. There is a lot to learn in this world and very little time. If you truly want to change the time is right now, not later, not tomorrow, it's right now. Pray, study, listen and obey now. 

<3 Lyssa D.


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