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Showing posts from February, 2018

Momo's (Danny IV's) Birth Story

Momo (as we call our baby Danny) turned 1 last December, and it seems like his first year flew by. I've wanted to write his birth story from the moment he was born, but it seemed like every moment was so rushed with a toddler and a baby that I'd get distracted. Add a puppy to mix and things almost got out of hand!lol **TO SKIP STRAIGHT INTO LABOR SCROLL DOWN** I feel like Momo's birth story is SO different than Luna's, and to me it feels like it started a long time before he was born. To me it actually started right after I had Luna. Since I had a C-section with Luna I felt so determined to NOT have another C-section that I kept being led to different people and sources that could help me prepare for another baby. One of these people was a friend of mine named Kira who is a birth specialist, and we became very close during this whole process. For me, having a C-section was traumatizing. Not that I had a horrible experience or was mistreated (like in some cases...