I'm human, just like every person on this planet, therefore I make mistakes. I'm right some of the time, but I'm still learning just like everyone else. But, there are some things I thought I knew that I'm finding out I'm very wrong about how I thought it all worked, but I'm happy to be finding out the right way. School is always a challenge in one way or another, no matter who are, but if you're like me you'll probably be stressing out over a million things, cry, have meltdowns over exams, and just want to quit. I'm sure that scenario sounds very familiar to a lot of people, I'm not alone. Although school can be hard, I can honestly say I love it. I love going to school and learning new things. I just love learning, period. This semester was different though, even though I just had a math class and zumba, it was very different. I guess it was the way I approached it, but the things I learned were not only about math and zumba, but I learned ...