I've been thinking about this post for a long time (like many others I still intend to write ) but this week someone opened my eyes to understand this clearly. There are SO many branches to this topic, but the pain I'd like to talk about is not physical pain, but spiritual pain. Now think with me for a minute and answer the following questions. If you say (or think) "yes" to any of them, keep those answers in mind. -Have you ever felt hurt, sad, angry, or any negative feeling because of something someone did (or didn't) do? - Have you ever felt anguish, sorrow, or any other negative feeling because of something YOU did (or didn't) do? -Have you ever felt helpless, hopeless, or any other negative feeling because of a certain situation you couldn't control or your current circumstances? The reason I chose these questions is because these are things I HAVE felt, and for the most part, I'd say it's safe to say MOST people have felt this at one poi...